KB: Setup for Email Only Service on Plesk Server

If you have shared hosting and your website is on another server (either here at PixelGate or elsewhere, like Shopify) then we need to use the actual Plesk server name to allow you to connect and send/receive email.

So if the name of the Plesk server you are on is ‘bruce.pixelgate.net’, then for Webmail, you would tell your Browser to go to:


You will need your email address and mailbox password.

Once you have verified that you have the right user/pass you can use that info to setup an email client on your desktop or mobile. If your Email clients built-in new account wizard or setup tool does not allow you to designate a Server or “Host” then you want need to manually setup or your email clients settings to the following:

IMAP (for receiving email)

Server: bruce.pixelgate.net (or whatever server you are on)

Port: 993 with SSL (TLS)

Login User Name: “your email address”

Login Password: “your mailbox password”

SMTP (for sending email)

Server: bruce.pixelgate.net (same as your IMAP Server/Host setting)

Port 465 with SSL (TLS)

or use Port 587 TLS (either 465 or 587 will work)

Authentication Required. Normal Password.

Login User Name: “your email address”

Login Password: “your mailbox password”

If you are on Outlook. Do NOT check off the SPA box (Secure Password Authentication). That is an Windows Server function and will not work on our Linux boxes